Friday, December 18, 2009

Best of Both Worlds

It really is fantastic having our new studio so close to a gorgeous beach... This morning I photographed little cutie Xanthia with her Mum Erica and Dad Steve. 18-month-old Xanthia has amazing green eyes.

Busy little Xanthia ran around exploring the beach and occasionally paused for breath.

Then we went back to the studio for some more shots, giving us the best of both worlds!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Only six days old...

At the start of 2008 I photographed Kian when he was just new to this world... and last week I was thrilled to meet his new baby brother, Malo, and photograph him at just six days old.

Malo was a sleeping angel.

Finally, he woke up and showed off his beautiful eyes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good Magazine

On a shelf in a dairy near you (well near me anyway) is the latest issue of Good. I recently shot the cover and photos for the story all about bees.

It was supposed to be a lovely sunny day but we ended up shooting in drizzle and cold winds (deadlines ugh!). Our sweet models were wrapped up warmly between shots and we sheltered under umbrellas. The cover image required a large amount of post production work to make it look like a beautiful day.

They did a wee interview with me for their contributors page about how eco-friendly I am! I think my five year old is going to be the biggest greenie in our house.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Photo Frenzy video!

Meg and I had so much fun photograhing our first Photo Frenzy yesterday - check out this video.

Thanks to everyone who came and drew with light, and thanks for the wonderful donations for The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ - your generosity will help people see again!

Our next Frenzy, 'Quirky Characters' will be held on January 17.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Takapuna Beach Workshop Pics

For our workshop 'Photographing Families and Kids Outdoors' yesterday, we had the pleasure of photographing the lovely Frear-Hanson Family.

Thanks Liza, Richard, Zeph and Katelin for being such wonderful models!

On Takapuna Beach some curious onlookers surmised that they must be a famous family since the 'paparazzi' was photographing their every move... Move on over Brangelina!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Grand Opening!

We had a fabulous Opening event for our new studio on Friday evening... thanks so much to everyone who attended!

I told everyone about the fundraising we will be doing for The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ, and Pam Williams-Jones from The Foundation explained the work that the organisation does, restoring vision to blind people in the Pacific region.

We held a taster of our first Photo Frenzy, 'Drawing with Light', in the studio. I was hugely impressed with the creativity and drawing skills displayed!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ballet, Tango and Happy Photogs

We had the pleasure of photographing Irina during our Studio Workshop yesterday.

An extremely talented dancer, Irina made the six workshop participants - and myself - very happy with the wonderful poses, shapes and movement she created for us. We didn't want the session to end!Irina runs her own dance studio in the city, Dance Pro, and I can vouch for her wonderful dance instruction personally as my husband and I are learning Argentine Tango there. If only I had one tenth of her dancing ability :-)

Along Came Molly

When I first photographed the Jones Family, Samuel was crawling.

Now, adorable Samuel has an equally adorable baby sister, Molly.

Check out Molly pointing her little toe in this pic - I challenge anyone to show me a cuter wee person than her!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Harris - Wisniewski Family

I love the energy and fun that often flows in an extended family shoot - and the Harris - Wisniewski Family was no exception.

Brothers, sisters, cousins, aunties, uncles, Grandma, and hassling each other- it's what families are all about.

ImageMe - Auckland portrait photography

Friday, November 13, 2009

Announcing... The Photo Frenzies

Starting on December 6th, we are going to hold an open studio event called a PHOTO FRENZY on the first Sunday of every month, from 10am - 1pm. (January is the exception, with the Frenzy being held on the 17th).

It's free and open to everyone, and each month there will be a different theme. Watch out for 'Quirky Characters', 'Hollywood Starlets' and more...

Our first theme, Drawing with Light, gives you the chance to get creative - take a look at Lisa with her flower and Megan licking her lollipop.

The images will be posted online so participants can purchase prints. The best images will be made into a large artwork and exhibited on the mezzanine floor of the Takapuna Library.

See you at the first Frenzy!

Photography Tip - Horizons

Horizons usually look better in photos if they are straight. And I mean dead straight. There is nothing worse than a slightly crooked horizon - it just looks like a mistake.

Now if I said that I always shoot my horizons straight I would be telling you a giant porker - the truth is, they are rarely completely straight. Luckily, horizons are easily fixed in Photoshop.

Here is an image with the horizon slightly higher on the right-hand side.

First, find the ruler tool (it hides under the eyedropper tool).

With the ruler tool draw a line along the horizon.

Then go to Image > Rotate Canvas > Arbitrary. Press OK.

Your image will tilt. Now crop off the white bits and voila, you have a straight horizon.

Of course - rules are made to be broken. Tilted horizons can be fun but the mood of the image needs to suit - they work best with images with high energy, movement and excitement.

And remember, if you are going for a tilted horizon effect, make sure it's really tilted.