Friday, December 18, 2009

Best of Both Worlds

It really is fantastic having our new studio so close to a gorgeous beach... This morning I photographed little cutie Xanthia with her Mum Erica and Dad Steve. 18-month-old Xanthia has amazing green eyes.

Busy little Xanthia ran around exploring the beach and occasionally paused for breath.

Then we went back to the studio for some more shots, giving us the best of both worlds!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Only six days old...

At the start of 2008 I photographed Kian when he was just new to this world... and last week I was thrilled to meet his new baby brother, Malo, and photograph him at just six days old.

Malo was a sleeping angel.

Finally, he woke up and showed off his beautiful eyes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good Magazine

On a shelf in a dairy near you (well near me anyway) is the latest issue of Good. I recently shot the cover and photos for the story all about bees.

It was supposed to be a lovely sunny day but we ended up shooting in drizzle and cold winds (deadlines ugh!). Our sweet models were wrapped up warmly between shots and we sheltered under umbrellas. The cover image required a large amount of post production work to make it look like a beautiful day.

They did a wee interview with me for their contributors page about how eco-friendly I am! I think my five year old is going to be the biggest greenie in our house.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Photo Frenzy video!

Meg and I had so much fun photograhing our first Photo Frenzy yesterday - check out this video.

Thanks to everyone who came and drew with light, and thanks for the wonderful donations for The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ - your generosity will help people see again!

Our next Frenzy, 'Quirky Characters' will be held on January 17.